Contact Us

Mailing Address:

Dove Creek Equine Rescue
16201 Gordon Cummings Road Canyon, Texas 79015

Directions to Dove Creek

16201 Gordon Cummings Rd., Canyon, TX 79015

  1. From Canyon, go west on HWY 60 (6 miles toward Hereford).
  2. Turn left onto City Lake Rd
  3. Cross the railroad tracks (the road dead ends into Dove Creek Ranch)
  4. Go through 1st cattle guard (1 mile), continue straight and come through 2nd cattle guard
  5. The road will lead you down the canyon and to our big red barn


  1. Off HWY 60, go back east to Arnot Road (1/2 mile)
  2. Turn right (south) go until it dead ends into Gordon Cummings Rd
  3. Take a right and go 1/2 mile
  4. You will see the entrance to Dove Creek on your left (intersection of Gordon Cummings and City Lake Rd)

For Surrendering a Horse

Ali McEwen
[email protected]

For Volunteer Inquiries

Ali McEwen
[email protected]

For Horse Adoption Inquiries

Ali McEwen
[email protected]

For Led By Horses/Equine Assisted Healing

Laurie Higgins-Kerley
[email protected]

For Office Administration

Erika McGee
[email protected]

For Development

Laurie Higgins-Kerley
[email protected]

For Marketing & Social Media

Caitlin Higgins Naulu
[email protected]



“My session was a beautiful exploration into self-inquiry. As I stood with my horse, the reflection of my own participation in difficult relationships, was very clear and meaningful… Once the session in the round pen with my horse was complete, Laurie and I talked about the experience and she gently guided me with significant questions, which helped me go deeper in the understanding. For the months that followed, the emotion of my equine therapy continued to guide me through the maze of undoing self-created patterning, that I no longer need or want. This therapy is direct and quick to facilitate personal change. I recommend it for anyone certain that they are READY for the change they seek!”

-T.K., Amarillo