Our Story

In 2008 Laurie Higgins-Kerley’s life took a drastic turn. Her husband of 25 years and father of her four children was diagnosed with cancer. She went from a wife and mother of an active family involved in high-level athletic events to a year and a half roller coaster journey with her husband’s hospital stays and chemo treatments. After he passed, Laurie fell into a deep depression – the life that she once knew and loved was gone forever.


She spent many days at their ranch, just 30 miles away. There she would walk the land – finding moments of solace, and communing with the horses. As time passed, she realized that the horses seemed to recognize her delicate state of vulnerability; how heartbroken and in despair she felt. They came close as if they were offering a more intimate way of connecting… inviting her to become a part of the herd. This was a salve for her broken heart and, eventually, what ignited her desire to help them. The ranch had always been a place where Laurie could heal and connect… she hoped maybe it could do the same for horses who were also suffering.



“I thought my tears, my huge emotions, my sadness that felt so big would push them away. Instead, they came closer. It’s like they held me. It was such a respite from my grief. I had a peace that I couldn’t find anywhere else. It was the perfect place to be.”


In 2012, Laurie started Dove Creek Equine Rescue with the purpose of reducing the Unwanted Horse Population – domestic horses who are no longer needed or useful, or whose owners are no longer capable of providing the necessary financial or physical care. The ranch would become a place where horses would be rescued, rehabilitated, retrained, and rehomed. It was no easy feat; there are currently between 100,000 and 200,000 unwanted horses in the US.


It didn’t take her long to gather support, form a board of directors, file a non-profit certification, and get to work! Dove Creek Equine Rescue became a member of the Homes for Horses Coalition, as well as an Accredited Horse Sanctuary by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.



“I didn’t dream about having a rescue… it’s much deeper work. We don’t feel sorry for them [the unwanted horses] we have compassion. They have dignity and we want to bring that back.”


One year later, In 2013, Laurie met her current husband, Greg Kerley, and together they worked tirelessly developing DCER. He has been a big influence on the growth of the rescue through his innovative and strategic experience from the corporate world. Together they lead the mission and love the opportunity to serve horses and humans in need of a second chance in life.

In 2017, Laurie launched “Led by Horses”, Equine-Assisted Learning and Coaching, a program focusing on the healing partnership between horses and humans inspired by her profound experience with the herd back in 2008. Through Led by Horses, Laurie has created a way to offer the wisdom and connection she gained with the horses to others dealing with their own challenges.


Today, the Dove Creek Equine Rescue adoption program has placed over 85 percent of the horses received into loving, permanent homes.