The Problem

Each state has its own laws governing “abuse and neglect”. Some are very strict, while others just give the bare minimum and allow the decision to be up to the law enforcement officer’s judgment.

Starvation and neglect are the biggest complaints we receive at Dove Creek. We work closely with our local law enforcement and surrounding counties to help provide education on signs to look for in neglect and abuse. We also teach the right questions to ask the owners and witnesses to better help the horse and possible case.

There are counties in Texas that, unfortunately, ignore the problem and look the other way. Many counties don’t have the facilities to handle seizures, especially when large animals are involved; nor do they have the budget to feed them, provide necessary vet care, and the right documentation. These are issues that need to be addressed and, as an animal welfare agency, we focus on making sure all counties know we exist and that we are a resource. It takes everyone working together to find the best solutions for each case – that is how success is achieved!